Expense Tracker

Expense Tracker Pro is a robust and user-friendly app designed to help you manage and track your expenditures effortlessly. Engineered with a focus on efficient database design, this app ensures that all your financial data is stored securely and accessed quickly. Key Features: Seamless Data Querying: Equipped with a basic API, Expense Tracker Pro allows real-time data querying using JavaScript. This feature enables you to view and interact with your financial data without the need to refresh the page, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted user experience. Interactive Live Calendar: Our live calendar feature provides a visual representation of your daily expenses. Easily track your spending patterns over days, weeks, or months, helping you to identify trends and manage your budget more effectively. Built-in Calculator: The integrated expense calculator lets you quickly and accurately compute your expenses. Whether you're planning a budget or reviewing past expenditures, this tool provides instant insights, making financial management a breeze.

Tech Stack

Backend: SQLite: A lightweight and efficient database to store all your financial data securely. Django: A high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Django powers the app's backend, ensuring robust functionality and security. Frontend: JavaScript: Enhances interactivity and enables real-time data querying without page refreshes. HTML & CSS: Provides a clean and user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless user experience.

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